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Learn Microsoft Excel with this Excel video tutorial for beginners

Learn how to apply built-in number styles and create your own custom styles packages. Learn about creating, reviewing and printing Excel comments, as well as how comments are evolving in Office 365. Appending tables is the process of stacking them vertically to create long tables that can be used to feed business intelligence solutions and PivotTables. Learn to work with the EOMONTH and EDATE functions that easily shift dates from one month or year to another. Use to understand the anatomy of Excel functions, and what their components mean. Format cells by selecting fonts and color fills to make information more attractive.

Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons

The Coursera Project Network is a select group of instructors who have demonstrated expertise in specific tools or skills through their industry experience or academic backgrounds in the topics of their projects. If you’re interested in becoming a project instructor and creating Guided Projects to help millions of learners around the world, please apply today at teach.coursera.org. Unlock the power of file management, discovering the Save and Save As commands, file extensions, and collaboration features. Navigate through larger files effortlessly, utilizing options like Freeze Panes and Split Screen. Delve into printing options, formatting cells, and manipulating data with ease.

How you’ll learn

Microsoft Excel has a wide range of tools and functions and it can take you time to become proficient in it and all its features. Get off to the best start with a free course in Microsoft Excel 2019 Beginners. You can download and keep any of your created files from the Guided Project.

How to create an effective line chart through careful manipulation of chart elements to enhance its story telling ability. Learn to create custom conditional formatting rules based on formulas. Learn to work with the Format Cells dialog to apply text rotation Microsoft Excel 2019 Lessons and borders, and to center data across multiple cells. Learn to create and modify basic PivotTables (for quickly summarizing and highlighting data). Learn to use VLOOKUP to find an exact match and return it or the corresponding value from another column.

Advanced Formulas

With a simple to follow approach and instructors that explain everything thoroughly, you can rest assured you are in safe hands. This course was recorded using Excel 2019 but is suitable for Excel 2013, 2016, and 365 users. Start this course today and you will gain a solid grounding in the basics of Excel 2019, and become more confident with spreadsheets. Enrolling in Simon Sez IT’s Microsoft Project for beginner course really helped me become proficient with Microsoft Project and project management. You’ll learn by doing through completing tasks in a split-screen environment directly in your browser.


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